miércoles, 13 de octubre de 2010

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Kaballah Workshop Prologue© By Thomas Lisemby, FRC

Certain words mistranslated from Hebrew in the Bible have distorted the ancient knowledge and perverted the accurate understanding we should have received. The result has been to warp the minds of those who have accepted the Bible as the accurate literal word of God. Through the Kaballah the accurate literal meaning of certain words shall be orally transmitted in order to remedy the damage intended.

How the Bible was produced in its present form is not common knowledge. It is not commonly known that the early church fathers did not understand the Hebrew Tongue and that Jerome, the translator, who went to Palestine, in order to translate the Greek Septuagint Bible, which was written in what is called the Hellenistic Tongue, a tongue which was a Greek mixture of Hebraisms, for the Jews had forgotten their ancient tongue, the Hebrew, during the captivity, which was several hundred years before the arrival of Jerome. The problem was that Jerome was unable to find any Rabbi that knew anymore Hebrew than himself, and he never translated the Hebrew Books of Moses. The church fathers, as well as Jerome, were unaware that there existed a small group of Hebrew initiates, which were keepers of the Hebrew text and its knowledge, which is named “The Kaballah. According to Ancient Jewish Rabbinic tradition, Moses, who instituted the Hebrew Priesthood, selected eight men of high intelligence and character, and under an oath of absolute secrecy, communicated to them orally, certain instructions for the reading and interpretation of his writings. He also told them, as any one of their number died, they should select the wisest and holiest man they could find to fill the gap in their number, and should pass on to him orally, and under the same pledge of absolute secrecy, the instructions they had themselves received. This was to continue from generation to generation until such time as some divine “revelation” should show them that the time had arrived for lifting the veil.

It is recorded in the “Talmud” that in the Third century B.C., some 650 years before Jerome, that Ptolemy II sent to the leaders of the Jewish nation a request or command that they should give him a Greek translation of their sacred books, they complied without demur, giving him as faithful a translation as they could make of the “literal” meaning of the texts. What they did not do was to give even the slightest hint that there was any thing deeper to give. It is reported by the Hebrew scholar and philologist Fabre D’Olivet that the Hebrew Tongue had become entirely lost during the captivity of Babylon, and all grammatical system was lost. From that time nothing is found by which we can infer that the Jews possessed a grammar. He states that the Essenes of Mount Moriab were the one’s chosen to translate the Hebrew Text. They were ordered to translate the Hebrew Text by Prince (Elezar of the Jews). The Talmud states that at first there were only five interpreters, for it is known that Ptolemy caused only the five books of Moses to be translated. The rest of the books of the Old Testament were in the course of time, put into the Greek for the use of the Jews who were spread throughout Egypt and Greece, where they had not only forgotten their ancient tongue, the Hebrew, but even the Chaldaic, which they had learned during captivity. Thus, it is in a Greek mixture of Hebraisms, called the Hellenistic Tongue that the Septuagint and all the New Testament are written. It is extremely important to note that it was only the five books of Moses that were translated by These certain essenes, for it was only this small group of eight that were among the Essenes, who, sworn to secrecy, were the keepers of the Kabbalah, that had only translated the books of Moses. It is stated in the book of Acts that “Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians and He became mighty in words and in deeds. Moses was and Initiate of the highest degree, and it is stated that He had transcended all of the

This prologue was presented at the Kaballah Workshops at Triangle Lodge and orally given to members and non-members. At the request of some of the participants, a copy is being provided for the purpose of laying a foundation and preparing them in their comprehension of the Kaballah material.

©Copyright, Thomas A. Lisemby, 2006 1 ©Copyright, Thomas A. Lisemby, 2006 2

degrees of the Egyptian Mystery College. He was of superior intelligence that is above the Human intelligence, for he understood the Divine Intelligence and created the Hebrew Tongue from the pure Egyptian idiom, and He concealed the secret knowledge of the Egyptians within the Hebrew Tongue. It was in this certain knowledge that he instructed the group of eight, orally, as to how to read and interpret his writings. The Kabbalah has remained secret for many millennia, and has never been revealed to the public, just as the Egyptian Priests never revealed their knowledge to the public, but only to the initiated students of their mystery college. The Gospel of Luke in Chapter 24 makes almost the same statement concerning Jesus, as did the Book of Acts concerning Moses, which is, “concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people.” Even though many are under the impression that Jesus openly taught the public of the secret knowledge, they are mistaken. Jesus spoke in parables to the public, and only explained two or three, and then, at the time, only to his disciples. It is recorded in Matthew Chapter 13 that after Jesus had spoken in parables to the multitudes, the disciples asked him why he spoke to them in parables? He answered and said unto them, because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given. The reason why is obvious, the disciples were his initiated students, and the multitudes, were not. We have related all of this information to be able to clearly state, the church fathers and Jerome, were not initiates of either the Egyptian Mystery college, nor of the Hebrews, nor of the group of eight, and thus were not able to penetrate the Hebrew Text of Moses. Jerome did not translate the Hebrew text, he tried, but the Kabbalah would not yield forth its secrets to him. That which he translated was the Septuagint and New Testament Greek version, which consisted of the Hellenistic Tongue. Thus he made many errors due to his lack of knowledge of the mysteries. Some words are mistranslated, and other words are accurate, but their meaning is wholly misunderstood by the church, and by all those they teach. Even though the church father knew these facts, at the ‘Council of Trent’ they declared that the “Latin Vulgate” which Jerome produced was the accurate and literal translation of the Hebrew Text, and that it was the “Inspired word of God.” Then the “Inquisition,” reinforced that declaration to the point of no return for the church or its followers. Those who disagreed were either tortured until they repented, or were slain. The Hebrew scholar D’Olivet states that all versions of the Bible, in all Tongues, whether before the reformation of Luther, or after, have been made from the “Latin Vulgate.” This includes the King James Bible and the other English versions.

Now, in our present time, in the Western World and especially in the United States, we enjoy what is called freedom of religion, freedom of thought, free speech, and the separation of church and state. Even though we enjoy such freedoms, the minds of people are still programmed by the influence of the church and what they teach. This is true, whether you attend church or not, for religion and church doctrine, finds its way into the news, whether it is written or broadcast on TV. or the radio. As a result, the majority of people accepts without thought the repeated statement, that the Bible is the accurate and literally translated Hebrew, the inspired word of God, and is to be understood literally. This is stated even though the Bible states itself, that it is allegory, proverb, and parable. Most religious authorities and their followers are not even cognizant of the statement of Paul, a Hebrew, in Galatians Chapter 4, where he is referring to Abraham and his two sons, one by the bondmaid, Hagar, and one by the freewoman Sarah, and he clearly states in verse 24, ‘which things are an allegory.”

Now an allegory is not to be understood literally. Webster says an allegory is “A figurative sentence or discourse in which the principal subject is described by another subject resembling it in its properties and circumstances. The principal subject is thus kept out of view, and we are left to collect the intensions of the writer or speaker by the resemblance of the secondary to the primary subject.” Webster states that an allegory is a synonymous of “Parable,” which Gesenius Lexicon describes as “similitude;” sentence, opinion (such as consists in the “ingenious” comparison of two things or opinions); and is also a proverb. James Strong in his Heb. Dictionary states that “Parable” or In Heb. “Mashal” means to have power to use figurative language (an allegory) to resemble, be like, compare, use as a proverb, and speak in proverbs, in some original sense of superiority in mental action. We see that it takes the ingenuity of a superior mind to create a parable, proverb, or an allegory. The attributes described are applicable to—: Jesus, Moses, Solomon, and others. Moses is a superior mind, and his ©Copyright, Thomas A. Lisemby, 2006 3 books contain the mysteries of the Kingdom of heaven, the same mysteries Jesus told his disciples that he would teach unto them.

Based upon this knowledge, a thinking person should have questions begin to take form within the mind. What does it say about a religious system that is founded upon a lie? Logic would lead one to question any conclusions rising from such a false beginning. Is the church really the God ordained interpreter of the scriptures? How can they be, since they ignore the original scriptures. Does the church teach the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven? A definition of the word mystery should help us know the answer to this question. Webster says the word mystery, comes from the Greek word “mysterion,” a secret thing, and from “Mystes,” one initiated into the mysteries; and is something hidden from human knowledge and fitted to inspire a sense of awe; especially, something incomprehensible through being above human intelligence. mayer’s Greek Lexicon agrees with Webster, but with the following addition, ‘mysteries, religious secrets, confided only to the initiated and not to be communicated by them to ordinary mortals. The implication is clear, that a real bona fide initiation of an ordinary mortal should produce an extraordinary mortal, one who can comprehend things that are above human intelligence. Now the question can be answered by us as we individually compare the church doctrines to the definition of the words “mystery”, “allegory,’ “parable,” and “proverb,” in order to determine whether these doctrines being taught qualify as a mystery, by their unveiling of a secret that inspires awe within, and the realization arises within our mind that it was above our human intelligence or whether it only qualifies as a fairy tale, fit only for children. This would reveal whether the teaching is only fit for ordinary mortals, and is the product of an ordinary mortal earthly mind. Summary: The church fathers did not translate the Hebrew Books of Moses, and have not. All of the statements that they did are false. The five Books of Moses contain the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven. Mysteries are not taught to the uninitiated. AU of the translations of the Bible have been made from the Latin Vulgate, the product of the Catholic Church, produced by Jerome and the early fathers of the church. Some words are mistranslated, and others are not understood, because they are allegorical. Finally, the Bible is not understood only in its literal sense, for it consists of allegories,* parables, and proverbs, and the accurate understanding of the literal meaning is essential in order to establish a foundation for comprehending that which is hidden, and the things which are hidden are only communicated to the initiated.

*The word parable is used 56 times and proverb 29 times in the bible and the word literal is not found in the bible.

References: “The Hebraic Tongue Restore” by Fabre D’Olivet

“The Secret Doctrine” By H. P. Blavatsky

King James Bible

Webster Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language

Strong’s Coucodance and Hebrew, Chaldean, Greek Dictionary

Gesenius Hebrew Lexicon

Thayer’s Greek Lexicon

“The Hidden Wisdom In The Holly Bible” by Geoffrey Hodsosi

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